Clive's Wines

Estimated Delivery Date 04 Dec - 09 Dec

Cost to Deliver Free

Estimated Delivery Date 04 Dec - 09 Dec

Cost to Deliver Free

Shop Information

Clive's Wines Ltd started as a little kitchen hobby back in 2010. After much trial and error, I created some lovely wines for friends and family, who kept asking for more! After some deliberation and the offer to buy some for hampers. I set up part-time in 2012. After a few years of steady growth, the opportunity presented to turn the hobby into a full-time business. So, in 2016 I went full time, setup my own dedicated Winery so that I could bring more of my wine to a larger audience. As Clive's Wines is approaching our 10th anniversary, we are now taking our brand nationwide to a larger audience

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